A think tank of infinite dispersal, 3 rocks from the sun. There are more stars on the fallen beach than the innocent pedestrian you mock. They come in the form of grains of sand. However, there are more beings on this earth than there ever has been at the moment, we just pump them out spewing out the flesh morsels each one experiencing the same exact thing, the word used to describe such a thing: life. You live within your own dot and what encompasses you is at your own disposal fore you bring it into existence multi-pole ways. We all do the pond thing within fact the pruned skin is irreversible we’re all drenched submersed within our own dot.
The beauty is how many. We take 8 and multiply this by CWP: 6,948,130,001 and climbing so this number by the time it reaches you is diddly in comparison to the now which is future but its already past = 55,585,040,008. That’s Fifty five billion, five hundred eighty five million, 40 thousand and eight, 8s or dots or spheres or boulders or blips or personal perspective bias information filters slash ejaculators. Firstly but not one well I guess its all the same for these purposes. You are an infinite possibility generator. As you pondirt (the amphibious mixture) about your own life and events that have built you or the myriad possibilities you have yet to stumble but plan on executing the bias comes from the conditioning…you have your own beginning and end in mind the possibilities one creates for them selves is infinite and yet when another dot or human is involved again infinite yet different.
One does not just end up at the current position with out knowing how they got there and the future is the same, a goal or position or destination is desired so you formulated a line in which take you to your desired position. One is aware of the myriad paths they could travel down to take them to other destinations or positions of social status and could very well end up at them if one should choose. But alas we find our selves at our current position not knowing how we got here…although the line was self constructed…we’ve bent and manipulated time to get here but the hunger does not stop there the future is so much newer so why wouldn’t we fantasize over it and lust to be somewhere we aren’t. But if you do not know how you got here then we you not already here to begin with and if you will just end up there with out knowing how you got there then are you not already there. Ah there’s the rub we chose to forget. 21 years this i has chosen to keep him self on this planet and yet it seems like yesterday it split its chin open on its mothers bed corner 7 multiplied by 2 stitches. How have 5 weeks of this semester already pasted, this time thing is irrelevant. The future and past are experienced with in the present as soon as one thinks about the current moment it was just the future but now past. Was now past. Was now past. Was now past. Was now past. Was now past. Was now past. Future Present Past. So why should projecting oneself into the future be so different. You have to do your laundry on Monday you tell yourself on Saturday so isn’t it already done? Does it come down to wants or needs? Lots of people want to be rich but don’t get it…is there something in there head that they are fabricating that is keeping them from doing so? Does the divine all encompassing soul of the universe that Emerson mentions have a particular role for everyone so that it as one can consider every infinite that is separated by flesh? Yes. This is not to say that we do not have free will. The only lack of free will that we have is birth and death (unless taken into ones own hands but this is a topic that really throws things off). So our positions in life as far as the rudimentary basics are pre-established. One was once a dot of indeterminate size all things considered all things conserved the perpetual machine instincts kicked in and one grew a tail or a line adding another dimension, maybe space was already ubiquitous at this point and other dots were present the line that grew was reaching out for other dots. Every dot in space did this simultaneously. One line per dot was not the case. Each dot sensed all other dots and lines erupted from all dots for a connection with all dots this took up space, as you could imagine, all the ubiquitous space that was previously present was not replaced by dot spew age in line form. Everything was one because every dot connecting made another “one” but that within it self is separation…they’ve unified just to be separate because as one could again imagine space does not just get taken up or replaced, the law of conservation of matter, nothing is created or destroyed just altered and therefore transmuted into an alternate form. So when the space was replaced by dot line spew and they evolved together the space that was space will be squeezed out making another separate entity of two total. Now there’s two spheres sitting in space but what space obviously a high plane that could was not able to be previously experienced and now your amongst many other dots again and perhaps the same thing happens more lines more connections more objects made of smaller objects just to be apart of some larger object which will be…container contains containers but not with out being contained a prison yes but it doesn’t have to be negative. Right right well well left left wish wish.
Bottom line present within this cyclical nonsense is the need for an end we lust for one so one we shall have but yes well one world: beginend.
So what it’s trying to equate here is the schematic diagram, which is this world. Remember when it used to be flat? And now we experience the third dimension yeah those were goodtimes and now we let’em roll and time is in our perspective currently so the natural progression would be to surpass. We used to be flatlanders now we got “real” units, all from a simple realization; time is not so much different. We already see the undulating snake that is the image of our past and future every time we close our eyes. It’s the linear perspective and vanishing point. What we see again is this:

We rock, we boulders, we back and forth. Knock loose gain hold of as we become apart of source. In veins, deplaned, but then the blood circulates. You see when a ball is placed at the top of a half pipe it rolls equidistant to the other side. Once one boulder is knocked loose the rest are, therefore it happens simultaneously. We have always been free are free.
End Duh.